A Powerhouse of Inorganic Coagulants
Welcome to
Pacific Chemicals
About Us
30 Long Years Of Manufacturing Excellence With Quality At It's Best!
A Professional Company managed by a Team of Experts in the areas of Manufacturing, Marketing and Applications of multi grades of Poly Aluminium Chloride in India.
We strive to become an ace producer of Poly Aluminium Chloride and coagulants tailor made suiting customer requirement. With the paramount thrust on quality, PACIFIC CHEMICALS would always be customer centric in its approach.
Our Product
We are the industry heads and produce the most reliable solution you are looking for.
Poly Aluminium Chloride
Is used for several applications including the treatment of drinking water, swimming pool water, wastewater treatment, the treatment of sewage and industrial effluents. It is also used extensively in the pulp and paper processing industry.
The place where you’ll get the perfect solution for your industry needs.
Our Contributions
Some Industries We Serve!

The standard process for potable water treatment involves water from a lake, reservoir or river being transferred into a tank where coagulation, flocculation and clarification occurs by the addition of Poly Aluminium Chloride. This is followed by sedimentation, where the heavy particles (floc) settle to the bottom, and the clear water moves to filtration.

The main features of PAC are its high Al2O3 content and polymeric nature, which give rise to products of hydrolysis characterized by a high molecular weight and a large number of positive electric charges able to interact with the cellulose fibers and size, optimizing the sizing phase and the retention of fibers.

Effluent Water Treatment is a process used to remove contaminants from wastewater or sewage and convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle with acceptable impact on the environment, or reused for various purposes.